Sunday, July 22, 2012


2 Composition notebooks  wide ruled
Sharpened pencils
Colored pencils
Pencil pouch with a good/sturdy zipper that will last
Dry erase markers
Glue sticks
Reusable grocery bag – small size to hold 3 books

Folders:  Two pocket with prongs.  One of each color:

Each quarter we will be asking different families to donate specific supplies to be used throughout the cluster.  For this quarter, we would appreciate it if all families with last names beginning with the letters A-F could donate the following:

ziploc bags – any size

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Production in Project Group

We are collecting empty soup sized cans for project group.  We need them as soon as possible, so please start sending them in if you have them.

We are looking for poetry books to have the kids read in class.  If you have any, please send them in with your child's name on them so we can return them to you at the end of the month.

We need volunteers during project group to help with our production for the summative.  Volunteers can come in at 2:15 on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of next week. 

Thanks so much for your help! 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Spirit Week

This week is Spirit Week!
Monday: Career Day
Tuesday: Tacky Day
Wednesday: Fancy Day
Thursday: Nerd Day
Friday: M & M Day (1st graders wear green, 2nd graders wear blue)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pizza Luncheon

Our pizza luncheon to celebrate our student teachers' hard work will be on Wednesday, May 2nd. The $2 for your child's pizza was due on Friday, April 20th. However, we only had about half of our cluster turn in their money. We want to make sure we don't have upset kids on the day of the pizza party, so we are extending the deadline to this Thursday, April 26th. If the kids haven't sent in their money by then, there will not be pizza for them on May 2nd. Thank you!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week of April 23rd

Due to standardized testing, the only homework this week is the math fact practice.

Each Friday we will be testing the students in math on our fact set of the week. It will be a timed test. Each week if the students master the skill for the week, they will earn a topping for our ice cream party at the end of the year. Please see the homework for the skills of the week for each class. Since this was the homework for the students all year, we will be putting their knowledge to the test now that the year is coming to a close. Please continue to review these at home.

Writer's Workshop:
We are continuing on our creative narrative unit and are focusing on including good details and describing words. The kids will go through the writing process to write a creative story this week.
Monday: Create a tree map with all of our story elements parts
Tuesday: Use our tree map to make a flow map. Add an opening and closing sentence.
Wednesday: Finish adding details to our flow map and begin our rough drafts.
Thursday: Finish our rough drafts then edit and revise them.
Friday: Write our final drafts and share in a small group.

Project Group:
We are continuing with our Economics unit. This week the kids are going to be making hamburgers. We will work in teams to create an assembly line.


Mrs. Johns' Reading:

Story of the week: Rumplestiltskin
Words of the week: no words this week!

We will be doing a lot of comprehension work with the Rumplestiltskin story this week, including sequencing, character maps, and exploring the setting.

Ms. Aguilar's Reading

Story of the Week: The Lizard and the Sun by Alma Flor Ada
Genre: folktale
Comprehension Skill: identifying the main events of a story and sequencing them
Word Wall Words: review of all words

Mrs. Sullivan's Reading:
Word family - irregular plurals
dictation words:
man, men, woman, women, child, children, foot, feet, mouse, mice, tooth,
teeth, goose, geese
High frequency words: favorite, friendly, your, you're, know

Dictation sentences:
For dictation sentences this week I would like for each student to write a one paragraph paper about what they have learned during our economics unit. The paragraph should contain at least 5 sentences. Use good vocabulary words such as services, capital resources, trade, scarcity, and opportunity cost. Students should use cups to edit the paragraph. Turn in the final edited paper by Friday.

We are practicing comprehension skills this week, including predicting, sequencing, and finding details for the beginning, middle, end of a story.

Mrs. Johns' Math: This week in math we will be reviewing concepts from the year.

Monday: Tile Math
Tuesday: no Math due to Stanford 10 Testing
Wednesday: no Math due to Stanford 10 Testing
Thursday/Friday: Centers

Ms. Aguilar's Math:

In math this week we have moved on to money. We introduced pennies and nickels last week. We will work in identifying dimes on Friday. We will be practicing counting up the value of various coins.
Monday: Nickel practice
Tuesday: Math centers with all 1st graders
Wednesday: Math centers with all 1st graders
Thursday: May Calendar
Friday: Dime practice

Mrs. Sullivan's Math:
This week in math, we will start spending a few minutes each day on test taking strategies in preparation for the Stanford 10 test. We are also learning place value, double digit addition, and subtraction. The fact test on Friday will be (+4).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week of April 16th

Due to standardized testing, the only homework this week is the math fact practice and dictation for Mrs. Johns & Mrs. Sullivan's classes.

Each Friday we will be testing the students in math on our fact set of the week. It will be a timed test. Each week if the students master the skill for the week, they will earn a topping for our ice cream party at the end of the year. Please see the homework for the skills of the week for each class. Since this was the homework for the students all year, we will be putting their knowledge to the test now that the year is coming to a close. Please continue to review these at home.

Writer's Workshop:

We are continuing on our creative narrative unit and are focusing on including good details and describing words. The kids will go through the writing process to write a creative story this week.
Monday: Create a tree map with all of our story elements parts
Tuesday: Use our tree map to make a flow map. Add an opening and closing sentence.
Wednesday: Finish adding details to our flow map and begin our rough drafts.
Thursday: Finish our rough drafts then edit and revise them.
Friday: Write our final drafts and share in a small group.

Project Group:
We are continuing with our Economics unit. This week the kids are we are reviewing the concepts of scarcity and natural resources by doing several activities with The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. We will also tie this in to Earth Day to help the kids be mindful of not making our natural resources even more scarce.


Mrs. Johns' Reading:

Story of the week: The Mouse & the Wizard (Junior Great Books Series)
Words of the week: who, will, tell, why, them

We will be doing a lot of comprehension work with the The Mouse & the Wizard story this week, including sequencing, character maps, and exploring the setting.

Ms. Aguilar's Reading:
Miss Abeyta will be teaching our reading unit this week.

Story of the Week: A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams
Genre: realistic fiction
Comprehension Skill: identifying the plot of the story
Word Wall Words: green, gym, jump, junk, girl, it's

Mrs. Sullivan's Reading:
Word family - irregular plurals
dictation words:
man, men, woman, women, child, children, foot, feet, mouse, mice, tooth,
teeth, goose, geese
High frequency words: favorite, friendly, your, you're, know

Dictation sentences:
For dictation sentences this week I would like for each student to write a one paragraph paper about what they have learned during our economics unit. The paragraph should contain at least 5 sentences. Use good vocabulary words such as services, capital resources, trade, scarcity, and opportunity cost. Students should use cups to edit the paragraph. Turn in the final edited paper by Friday.

We are practicing comprehension skills this week, including predicting, sequencing, and finding details for the beginning, middle, end of a story.

Mrs. Johns' Math: This week in math, we will continue a few minutes each day on test taking strategies in preparation for the Stanford 10 test. In centers we will be reviewing and extending concepts from the year.

Monday: Introduction to a new Test Taking Strategy & Tile Math
Tuesday: Pigs Will Be Pigs - Math in Literacy Problem Solving
Wednesday: no Math due to Stanford 10 Testing
Thursday/Friday: Centers

Ms. Aguilar's Math: In math this week we will continue to add double digit numbers without regrouping and also do subrtaction. We will continue to review place value.
Monday: Double digit math centers
Tuesday: Double digit math centers
Wednesday: Double digit math centers
Thursday: Double digit math centers
Friday: Double digit math centers

Mrs. Sullivan's Math:
This week in math, we will start spending a few minutes each day on test taking strategies in preparation for the Stanford 10 test. We are also learning place value, double digit addition, and subtraction. The fact test on Friday will be (+4).

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stanford 10 Testing Dates

The 2nd graders will have Stanford 10 testing on April 18th, 24th, and 25th. Each day we will begin with breakfast and then begin testing at 8:45. Please make sure your child is well rested and here on time. Each morning our whole cluster will have breakfast, then we will have the 1st graders work on other assessments as the 2nd graders take the Stanford 10.

Below is the link to sign up to send in breakfast items for the testing days. The sign-up below is for the 1/2 and 3/4 cluster. Please sign up to send something in and send it in on the date it is needed for.

April 18th: Granola Bars & Go-gurt
April24th: Bagels & Cream Cheese
April 25th: Muffins & Cheese Sticks